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Suite Justice - Chapter 2

Writer: SabrinaLovesJusticeSabrinaLovesJustice


The stage was set, bathed in a soft glow as if ready to embrace the luminous presence of Naomi Wade. Time had graced her with the wisdom of experience, and her allure was undeniable as she stood amidst the corporate world in a tailored business suit and the elegance of Louis Vuitton kicks. The years had been kind, etching stories on her face like lines on royal armor.

Naomi was delivering the last conference presentation of her eminent career. Her voice carried a tone of authority, tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "Thank you for your support," she continued, her eyes sweeping across the collection of faces before her, each one representing a connection she had forged, a partnership she had nurtured. "And thank you for these years of partnership!" Her gratitude was genuine. Her success had been built not on the backs of others but with the support of many hands and hearts. A warm smile hugged her lips as she nodded toward her successor, Chris, passing the torch of responsibility with a gesture of faith and support. "Of course, I’m leaving you in the capable hands of Chris Hect" she assured them, her confidence in her protege evident.

The room echoed with bittersweet farewells but the voice of Naomi’s Manager cut through the sentiment with booming vibrato. "Naomi, we're going to miss you!" he proclaimed, his words laced with self-importance, an attempt to appear gracious on the surface while feeding his own ego beneath. Naomi's gaze remained guarded, a flicker of weariness betraying her composure. "It will be good to be missed," she replied, her voice unruffled but a quiet defiance bubbled just under the surface. Steven seized the moment and Naomi’s plans to move to Alaska to regale the crowd with his own tale of adventure.

"From Texas to Alaska!" he boasted, a self-aggrandizing glint in his eyes. "Been there done that!" His story wove itself around conquests and glory, painting himself as the hero of his own narrative. "Bristol Bay was begging for mercy, I mean we slayed 'em! We brought back so many salmon my neighbor's freezer was running over." His obliviousness to anything beyond his own experience fueled her disdain. The years spent under his self-absorbed leadership left her feeling detached, an observer of a performance she no longer cared to witness. The room swelled with crosstalk and laughter. Steven's voice cut through the chatter yet again. "Listen, Champ," he began, his voice dripping with faux familiarity, "get with H.R. before you go, I think we've got a hundred to put towards this human trafficking thing." The dismissive manner in which he referred to such a critical issue ignited her sarcasm. "Thank you, Steven... every little bit helps."

His condescending pat on her back made her cringe. As he carelessly waved to someone more important across the room, Naomi couldn't help but feel like a mere pawn in his self-serving games. She had spent years navigating the complexities of the corporate world, but the reality of its darker underbelly had revealed itself to her during her tenure. The manufactured illusion of unity and purpose that defined the company now seemed fragile and superficial. She turned to leave but her trusted successor, Chris, appeared just in time to redeem the moment. His mood appeared to be buoyed by multiple drinks and suggested that he was a few steps ahead of her either in celebration or in mourning. With a well-rehearsed understanding between them, he handed her his wine glass and his hand lingered. Chris, the ever-loyal colleague, spoke first, breaking the silence with a tinge of playful admiration. "Well, Boss Lady, I'm going to miss you!" His voice exuded genuine respect and fondness.

Naomi turned to face her friend, her expression softening with a genuine smile. "Chris, my darling, I'm going to miss you too," she replied. Chris couldn't help but ponder the journey that lay ahead for Naomi. "Off to the great white North -- to fight for Justice," he mused, the wheels of his mind turning as he tried to comprehend the new path she had chosen. A sense of protective loyalty swelled within him as he considered her move into uncharted territory. "I dunno, I think I'd be out for revenge," he added with a hint of humor, attempting to mask his genuine concern. Naomi, offered a reassuring response, her voice exuding confidence. "I don't have to worry about revenge, the Big Guy's got that covered." Chris, buzzed and puzzled, sought clarification, "Steven?" he asked. His mistake turned her smile into a laugh, “not that big guy!"

Naomi turned again to leave, her Louis Vuitton pumps guiding her graceful ascent up the stairs into the uncertainty of the adventure that awaited her. Her strength and convictions were leading her to a destiny that would redefine her purpose and reshape her soul. She knew that her next steps would lead her to a life of substance and significance, where actions spoke louder than hollow words, and where she could make a difference in a world yearning for true change. The atrocity of human trafficking had ignited a passion within her, a desire to make a genuine impact, to fight for those whose voices were silenced. “Hey Boss Lady”, Chris called out. Naomi stopped on the steps and pivoted. He continued, “You’re going to crush it. I’m not kidding, they picked the right woman for the job. You don’t avoid conflict… heck, you get dressed up for it!”. Naomi let Chris’s admiration fill her with the closure she needed to take her leave. Her red soles flashed their final farewell to the corporate world as she climbed the stairs to the exit, and she was out.



©2021 by Sabrina Loves Justice

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